Follow @is0ac Biblical Perspective: Arranged Marriage: Bible's Perspective, Part 2

Arranged Marriage: Bible's Perspective, Part 2

For part 1 in the series, please click, Arranged Marriage, Part 1

Why an arranged marriage is not biblical? Why it is against the precepts of the Bible will be seen in the following discussion. Reason number one, human will.

Human Will
What is human will? Human will is the inherent desire of a human being to choose between right and wrong, good and evil. The subject of human will or as some may call it, free will, is a very serious and complex subject and requires a detailed study and is not the subject matter of our current discussion. Arranged marriage does not recognize or respect the will of an individual but on the contrary overpowers and suppresses the human will and emotions. Your assent or dissent is neither sought nor is considered as desired. When it is sought, it is sought in the selection and finalization of one prospect out of many. All the while the reins remain in the hands of parents and the elders relegating God as a last-minute invite. Even God does not override the human will as is revealed in Jesus’ accusation of the Jews when He said, “But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.” Jn 5:40
This system exists among a society which does not know the True and Living God. This system is prevalent in societies and cultures which are trapped in the clutches of their tradition and any dissent or assault on the tradition of arranged marriage is seen as an assault on their very culture and tradition.

The depravity of a human mind is revealed by its insistence to follow the despicable customs of an unregenerate society which is in direct conflict with God's gift of free will to humans. Arranged marriage is one bizarre custom, which negates the concept of free will.

For part 3 in the series, please click,  Arranged Marriage, Part 3

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